Do you have troubles to keep commitments that you made for your self, like doing a daily fitness routine or eating healthy? Our today’s guest Roald Penning can help you with that in his new program. The Fit Challenge is is not just about gaining muscle,
but focuses on feeling fit, present & alive, and connected with a supportive brotherhood?

Heinz talked with Roald who is living in Utrecht, Netherlands, about

roald-penningRoald Penning is the Co-Founder and leader of the Real Men Project since 2013. He is passionate about establishing honest and authentic brotherhood between men. This kind of support creates a strong mirror which helps men to be present, awake and on track. Roald is passionate about getting men “out of their heads and into their life”, so they can feel as alive and awake as possible in everything they do.

More for the Real Men Project and the Fit Challenge.

Sign up for the Fit Challenge until 21st of Dec. and get the extra Bonus!

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