Sexueller Missbrauch an Jungen und Männern ist eine schambelastete Realität, die langsam aber sicher ihren Weg an die Öffentlichkeit findet – dank pionierhaften Männern wie Ken Clearwater.

Dieses Interview, geführt von Andres Pellegrini, berührt u.a. folgende Punkte:

ken2Ken Clearwater is co-founder and manager of Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Trust in New Zealand (formed in 1997). In February 2016 he received the Certificate of Achievement at the New Zealander of the Year Gala for his twenty years of supporting and working with male survivors of sexual abuse. He travels around the world with his mission, is part of the Bristlecone Project and recently spoke on TEDxQueenstown about the male survivor movement and his own experiences. Ken was raped by a man when he was a twelve-year-old boy.

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