When I met Bjorn the first time he was assisting a tantra workshop in Holland. In August I met him again this August during the Circling festival at the same place as the last time but now he had stepped up and led a short workshop for men on his own. His appearance, presence and deep voice is what makes him a great guide for masculinity, but he has lots of experience in exploring the feminine part in him-self as well, what makes an interesting start to our conversation. Other subjects we dive into briefly are:

Bjorn Heijligers an astronomer gone rogue, found his mission after 12 years exploring alternative relationship forms: help men be present, vulnerable and free. This so they can serve their women into deeper trust and surrender.
Born in 1974, Björn has an extensive background in science, tantra, relationship therapy and martial arts. He walks the path less trodden. Combining coaching with science and spirituality and a big sense of adventure he is ready to support men into their own trust and surrendered leadership.
Bjorn’s Dare2Be Facebook page

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